- Call up a history list and choose one of your previous entries: Backspace or Alt + Down arrow: Navigation in the history list: Up arrow or Down arrow: Copy the value into the field: Enter: Copy the value into the field and navigate to the next element: TAB: Delete an entry from the history list: Del: Restrict the hits in the history list.
- If the button also cannot be found there, this likely means that the application does not show the button at all, because SAP GUI is not hiding enabled buttons. It could also mean that the button is disabled, because SAP GUI shows only enabled buttons in Belize theme. Best regards, Frank.
I use backspace to get input history, select program names or values from previously entered or executed reports in SAP GUI, but it failed to display any values when I press backspace key.The list is empty. Even I try backspace right after I execute a program for instance in SE38 transaction screen, the second time the backspace fails to get any results from previously executed values.
SAPGUI history sometimes ceases to appear if there is a change in the hostname of the computer which you are using.SAP Stores all the = SAPGUI history in an MS access databaseit has the name SAPLocalData.mdb and SAPLocalData.ldb.it is = usually present in the SAP working directory specified during the SAPGUI installation. Working with Sessions. The result is the same as when using the button Clear History (see also History). Delete local cache files: SAP GUI stores the contents of dropdown list boxes and image controls in a local cache so that they do not have to be downloaded again from the SAP system. The cache can be emptied with this option.
In SAP Logon Pad if you follow menu options: Options...
As seen in below SAP Logon Pad Options screen, go to Options > Local Data > History
In inputbox for 'Directory for Input History' you will see a file folder containing the .mdb file which is used to store input values used in previous actions
Open the file folder and delete the mdb history file for input values. If you want, you can create a copy of the original file into another backup folder or move it to another folder.
Sap Gui 7.5 History Not Working
After you close all active SAP connections and restart the SAP Logon Pad, you will see that a new input history file will be created in the file folder configured in the settings.
After I make the deletion, here is a sample case working successfully on SAP SE38 transaction showing previously used ABAP reports.When I press backspace key directly on the input entry field, or type a few characters the input history list will be successfully displayed to help the SAP user make a selection among offered items.SAP user does not have to remember or use search on input fields any more.